November 15, 2010

Books on MP3

I am done with Christmas shopping for my kids.
I have to finish up a couple of projects...
but all the money is spent and everything purchased is wrapped.
Can I get a BOOYAH!!!
Speaking of that I got my son a CD that reads 3 books to my kid.
Does that make sense?? You know the ones that "ding" when it is time to turn the page??
I was thinking holy score! That's a great alternative to watching TV. Where can I get more of these.
Today it hit me. My kids have a ton of books.
I have a crazy computer that can do many fun things.
I was sure that I could figure out someway to record my voice onto the computer and even make the "ding" sound myself if I had to.

Now. It's nothing special or crazy amazing. But it was a first attempt.
And I am willing (as long as no one screams at me) to share them with you.
For free. I mean heck if I am going through all the work why not get as much use out of it as possible right?

So the first is:
"If you Give a Mouse a Cookie"

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to post it. So check back later and I will have a book section.

And if your kid has a really annoying book that they always want to hear but you just get sick of reading 10 times a day let me know and I will see if I can get one made for you!

Nothing can replace the time spent when a parent sits down with their child giving their whole attention and reading them a book.
This is not a replacement for parent and kid time.
I repeat!
This is not a replacement for parent and kid time!

Happy Reading!


Camille @ Camille's Casa said...

We listen to tapes my dad recorded in the car while we cruise around town. He reads stories and poems and Bman loves it. Fun!

Nicola said...

Wish I would have thought of that when my kids were wanting to read "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" for the hundredth time. (= Legally you should be fine as far as you reading it and recording it as long as you own the book. But giving it out free to those who haven't bought the book imposes on the copyright of the book. You may want to be careful what you are offering to people. (= But it is a great idea for your family. For those who don't want to do it themselves the Library has a ton of them. (=

Kari Ann said...

Thats kind of what I have concluded as I have thought about it. Too bad for everyone else I suppose!