April 20, 2012

Funky Toes

So it's my birthday and my hubby has been stashing money away for a present for me. (and my mom threw in a bit)  A couple days ago I ordered these guys.  And then decided to plan a trip for Idaho the same week they are going to get here.  So now I have to wait even longer to get them!  I can't wait to get out on the road.  I haven't even attempted to run barefoot this spring because my feet have lost their toughness over the winter and I have been less than excited to have raw feet again.  I just hope I can work up to the five miles I have to run in them in a couple of months.  Lucky for me I got a wimpy leg in "To Bone and Back" this year so I don't have to worry about a ton of hills or the heat.  Happy running!

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